
Diamond wire saw blades

The blade will rust, if you put it standing in water for a period of time if you choose to leave your blade in water over night we recommend adding a antirust processing. Diamond wire saw blades start with a die struck steel blank. The blanks, as many as 200 side by side, are mounted and clamped on a perfectly true shaft. Installing narrow slits cut along the edge of the blank, from four mm leaf 9 mm deep depending on the size and type the blade.To fill up a level and cut into them, and they were placed in a time machine, diamond powder in all the incision machine, closing the wound was closed down, in the diamond contributing to the so called edge.In addition to the traditional mechanical cutting, saw can also be used as a string sawing water soluble crystals.A brittle material will cut the fastest, but even if is soft materials can be cut because is not the problem of load blades, diamond or inherent grinding wheel.Wire saw the holder's samples held for almost any shape samples include simplifying the cutting video for crystal.Use a rough adjustment placed in any samples starting position relative to the wire, and then leaves for accurate positioning of the sample micrometer.And wire rotation, about 1 ml of the abrasive grout down slowly into the funnel, arm gently reduce until the sample touches wire blade from abrasive pulp drops to lower funnel and wire.

