
Advantages of Tiles for Flooring

Choose materials that will create a space that is warm, attractive and well designed, in addition to being healthy and wise. When good alternatives exist, choose one that fosters Indoor Air Quality. Because flooring materials form one of the largest surface areas in any space or building, choosing an appropriate flooring material creates enormous potential for improving the indoor environment. Here our suggestion for the flooring material is the tiles. Why?
Firstly, tile is not an original source of contaminants. Secondly, tile does not compromise IAQ during initial installation. Thirdly, tile will not act as a "sink" to absorb VOCs or other chemicals from surrounding materials. After tile is installed, it forms a completely inert flooring system. Fourthly, tile will not support bacterial or fungal growth, nor will it absorb or release other contaminants. Fifthly, Tile offers ease of maintenance with simple, water-based cleaning materials.
The last advantage is that tile does not require solvent-based cleaners or sealers. Simple, water-based products keep tile well maintained and also protects our environment. Thus, tile offers significant advantages for indoor air quality during installation and for the lifetime of the tile’s use in the building.
More about tiles or other construction materials, you could log in our website ( www.stonebtb.com ).

